Why subscribe?

The underlying idea behind this newsletter is to offer hope.

I write for myself but also for you. I know that as a Nigerian these are not the best of times. The papers every day are filled with unsavory stories that are frankly tiring to hear.

With my newsletter, I seek to provide unusual and refreshing insight to the most mundane of things which I hope redounds to encouragement and hope for many out there who are unsure about what to make of life.

I also have my doubts and I experience the same problems that millions of young Nigerians face. The fear of an uncertain future always raises its head and it does no one any good to pretend otherwise.

I will however, be here to offer a form of escape through my writing. To offer solace, rest and the occasional humour—although I must confess that these days my jokes are getting rather esoteric. So I’ll probably just stick to writing stories.

I think of myself as a social commentator, so much of my writings will centre happenings within our social, economic and political space and on occasion, the global one.

I also tend to rely on data laced with personal anecdotes as I like to tell my stories through the eyes with which I see the world. You may find that in some of my stories there are shared experiences which you can relate to vicariously.

My writing is honest. Which means that I will not lie. Not everything may be comfortable, but I will never intentionally set out to offend. I also welcome rebuttals and engagements as it is through them that one gains clarity.

Any errors are mine and I send my apologies in advance.

To everyone I say, welcome—and please do subscribe.

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Everything and nothing


Critical Thinker. Writer. Social Commentator. Human.